
Thursday, December 2, 2010

A most spectacular day

Today is a bittersweet day, a day we're celebrating as it was the day a beautiful soul was born.  We celebrated Bryan's 30th birthday today with 2 of our wonderful friends and their son.  We filled our house with love and friendship, danced and laughed... just the way he would have loved it.  

I find it hard to articulate the way I feel right now.  Overwhelmed by both how fragile life can be, and the strength and tenacity of the human spirit.  I find I so easily can be consumed by the 'what if's'  and play out the scenarios in my head.  Needlessly worrying about things that have not nor will ever come to pass.  I constantly have to refocus on the here and now, step outside my emotional self and focus on practical matters.

On an 'emotional' note though I am so happy to say, we have finally told our family of our plans (and we haven't been disowned)!!! I can't tell you what a huge relief it is, I am so lucky to have such a supportive family.  Though they have reservations, they didn't skip a beat in offering unwavering support and love.  I hope that the conversations continue as we navigate the 'unknowns' together.

As things sit idle on the boat front and the winter storms quickly approach, I find myself searching for motivation and focus.  It still seems surreal, as I sit here typing next to my cozy fireplace that we truly are preparing ourselves for a new life aboard. I feel like I need "the next step".  I know that mastering the art of living aboard is going to come only with time, and that time is approaching quickly (we're hoping around May).  My anxiety sets in though when I think of actually sailing, and wanting to be a proficient sailor.  I know time on the boat would also resolve this issue, but I feel like I would like a boost.  I was looking into taking a course with WOMANSHIP they offer courses out of both Annapolis and Vancouver.  I just requested a package from them so it'll be interesting to get some info.  I could take a course here, or when I take a trip home in the summer.  I think it would be wonderful to get a basic competency when it comes to handling the boat. I have 'classroom' knowledge but would love a hands on course  that would really boost my confidence.

It is both a bit daunting and exhilerating, there is a lifetime of learning ahead of us.  I just wish it was summer time so we could get out there already!  For now, we'll just have to settle for a book and a glass of wine as we prep for the grand adventure ahead.

Adding in a precious moment from last week xo

Logan and his Pop Pop enjoying story time!

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